FTIR and XRD analysis

Fourier-Transform Infrared (FTIR) and X-ray Diffraction (XRD) analysis are powerful techniques used to study the structure and composition of materials at the atomic or molecular level.

For industry this allows the characterisation of materials, phase identification and ensuring that quality standards are upheld.

By exposing a sample to X-rays and analysing the resulting fingerprint (FTIR) or diffraction pattern (XRD), these instruments enable the identification of different compounds and materials. These methods have proven invaluable in diverse fields, including environmental monitoring, material characterisation, and forensic investigation.

Application in Respirable Crystalline Silica (RCS) Assessment

FTIR and XRD form the cornerstones in the assessment of respirable crystalline silica, a known occupational hazard.

Respirable crystalline silica is a naturally occurring mineral commonly found in materials like sand, stone, and concrete. While these materials are fundamental to numerous industries, the inhalation of fine silica particles poses significant health risks and prolonged exposure to respirable crystalline silica can lead to silicosis, a debilitating lung disease. Moreover, it has been linked to other serious conditions, such as lung cancer and various respiratory disorders.

How FTIR and XRD Work in Silica Analysis

FTIR and XRD play a pivotal role in silica analysis by enabling the identification and quantification of crystalline silica phases present in dust samples. Airborne silica particles collected on filter papers, pre-loaded in suitable sampling cassettes can be analysed using FTIR or XRD to identify the presence of crystalline silica. The spectra generated by these machines serve as identifying signatures and enable us to distinguish crystalline silica from other materials that may be present in the dust. Comparing these spectra with reference data from samples containing known amounts of crystalline silica enables us to quantify the amount of crystalline silica present.

Protecting Health

The significance of data generated by the above analyses cannot be overstated. By identifying the types and amounts of crystalline silica present in a given environment, industries and regulatory bodies can assess the potential health risks to workers. This allows better decisions to be made as well as the putting in place of effective control measures to mitigate exposure and safeguard workers' well-being.

Advancing Occupational Health and Safety

Our commitment is to helping you protect and improve your workplace. Crystalline silica is one of the many types of analysis we offer clients to help them better understand their environment and quantify the hazards which exist within them.

If you need help managing RCS or any other potentially hazardous materials please do not hesitate to get in touch.