HSE COVID-19 spot check inspections

Pass a spot check inspection from the HSE with the support of IOM. On March 2nd 2021 the HSE sent a letter and a report out to Chief Executives of all NHS acute trusts, foundation trusts and health boards. With clear guidelines and direction, it sent a very clear message that more inspections were coming and these were areas which needed improvement.  

As a partner for many trusts and hospitals IOM is here to ensure that you are ready for these spot checks, are fully compliant with the law and avoid unnecessary fines. 

Specifically, we can help you by: 

  • Comprehensive examination of all ventilation 
  • Testing all LEVs (Local Exhaust Ventilation Systems) so that you’re compliant with COSHH 
  • Keeping your ventilation systems maintained and safe for use through our competent person ventilation training  
  • Improving your record keeping by implementing RPE management programs 

Talk to the experts at IOM to ensure you’re ready for a HSE spot check.

Comprehensive examination of all ventilation   

One of the key themes identified in the report was around ventilation requirements. Specifically, the issues of not considering the ventilation as part of the risk assessment and not understanding clearance times where AGP’s are being carried out. 

The pressure of checking all the ventilation systems when the hospital is already stretched can be too much for some hospitals. Especially when national guidance references AGPs as an area of concern. It’s why IOM has a team of trusted and qualified ventilation engineers. We are here to take that stress away.  

We’re able to complete all the necessary checks using calibrated equipment, to help you to understand the ventilation levels in all areas of the hospital which will then inform your current risk assessments.  

We can measure and calculate your clearance times, which ultimately means that patients only enter rooms when the environment is safe for them to do so, minimising the spread of airborne diseases. 


Testing all LEVs (Local Exhaust Ventilation Systems) so that you’re compliant with COSHH 

The HSE’s spot check revealed that some hospitals were not complying with COSHH. A serious error which compromises staff safety as well as exposing the hospital to potential legal action. 

In particular, the HSE found that Local Exhaust Ventilation systems (LEVs) had not been tested in areas such as Estates workshops. It was here that they failed in their statutory requirement to test the equipment at least once every 14 months (though some systems may need checking more frequently).   

You can avoid this situation by using IOM’s qualified engineers to undertake this statutory testing for you, and we can also help you identify any LEV systems that you may not know existed around your site.   

Our reports will help advise if the systems are working effectively and adequately protecting your workforce, and we will offer any recommendations to improve systems where necessary. This ultimately helps you to avoid enforcement notices and possible prosecution. 


Keeping your ventilation systems maintained and safe for use through our competent person ventilation training  

Give your engineers a deeper understanding of your systems by enrolling them on our 3-day Competent Person (Ventilation) Training. 

Our BOHS endorsed course provides staff with the necessary knowledge on how to inspect, test and maintain ventilation systems and recognise faults as they arise, ensuring that hospitals are able to maintain and understand the ventilation systems to keep patients and staff safe. 
Our training will also teach delegates how to keep ventilation systems free from other hazards such us legionella, mould and other bacteria.    

What makes our courses so effective is the practical experience they receive with the course being delivered at your hospital. This means hands on practical assessments on their own equipment they are familiar with. 

Other bespoke practical training is also available and can be tailored to suit your requirements and can be delivered on site.

Improving your record keeping for RPE with advice and RPE management programs 

The HSE alarmingly revealed that there was a risk of staff using the wrong RPE equipment and the management of it wasn’t carried out as it should be. This negligence has the potential to put staff in harms way. 

It’s not easy to record keep when you have hundreds of staff using RPE but it is essential that you do it. IOM can help you manage this to ensure that records are error free, staff are using the right equipment and that it’s being maintained properly. 

IOM have experience of implementing such RPE Management Programmes in many environments and can ensure that you are going to protect your staff as they deserve to be and that you are not going to fall foul of an HSE inspection. 


Get prepared for the HSE. Contact the experts at IOM to make sure you’re fully compliant.