Use of qualitative and quantitative fluorescence techniques to assess dermal exposure

Fluorescent tracers provide a way of simultaneously assessing the mass of a contaminant hazardous substance on the surface of the skin of a worker and the area of skin exposed. These parameters, along with the duration of exposure and the estimated contaminant concentration in the skin contamination layer, can be used to calculate the likely uptake through the skin. Repeated assessment of the mass of tracer on a surface within a room or on the surface of the skin can also allow the net transfer of contaminant to that compartment to be estimated. Qualitative evaluation of transfer processes using fluorescent tracers can help identify important secondary sources of exposure.

Publication Number: P/00/12

First Author: Cherrie JW

Other Authors: Brouwere DH , Roff M , Vermeulen R , Kromhout H

Publisher: Oxford University Press,Oxford University, Oxford,Oxford

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