Austria: AUVA support schemes – AUVAsicher and AUVAfit and other initiatives tackling MSDs.

Eurostat data from the EU Labour Force Survey (EU LFS) ad hoc modules show that, although the percentage of workers in Austria reporting some form of musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) remained essentially unchanged between 2007 and 2013 (66.3 % in 2007 to 66.6 % in 2013), it is higher than the EU average over the same period. The concern about the high prevalence of MSDs is reflected in the national occupational safety and health (OSH) strategies: tackling MSDs was identified as a priority in two consecutive strategies. Following its national strategy, several programmes and initiatives on the prevention of MSDs have been launched in Austria, some of them strategically focused on the most affected sectors. These include initiatives such as targeted inspections in the hotel, restaurant and catering (Horeca) sector (a sector with a high proportion of small and medium-sized enterprises, SMEs), as well as the AUVAsicher and AUVAfit programmes of the Austrian Workers’ Compensation Board (Allgemeine Unfallversicherungsanstalt — AUVA). AUVA is the largest statutory accident insurance provider in Austria, providing social insurance for occupational risks for more than 3.1 million employees and 1.4 million pupils and students. It is financed mainly by contributions paid by employers. Its legal duties include financial compensation, prevention of occupational accidents and diseases, occupational medical care, rehabilitation and research. The Workers Protection Act (ASchG), which came into force on 1 January 1995, provided for safety-related and occupational medical care for almost all employees. From 1 January 1999, this preventive care became mandatory for companies with 1-50 employees. As a result of this legal requirement, AUVA received the legal mandate to provide SMEs with a maximum of 50 employees with safety-related and occupational medical advice free of charge. AUVA provides this assistance to SMEs through its AUVAsicher Prevention Centres located in each of the nine federal states. In 2009-10, the regular preventive services provided through AUVAsicher adopted a particular focus on MSD prevention. The success of the initiative was undoubtedly facilitated by the fact that it was integrated into the regular OSH services provided by AUVAsicher and that the services were free of charge. It is widely recognised across the EU that SMEs present particular challenges for many reasons, not least of which is the lack of OSH understanding and knowledge in house. Initiatives such as AUVAsicher therefore provide a valuable avenue through which assistance can be provided. In addition to AUVAsicher, AUVA provides support to companies through AUVAfit and BAUfit schemes. The AUVAfit programme has a specific focus on mental and physical workload. Through this programme, AUVA offers training and consultancy free of charge, including ergonomics consultations and the organisation of workshops. The AUVAfit programme consists of ergonomics and occupational psychology modules, which can be combined or requested separately. The AUVAfit team analyses physical and psychological workload at work and develops adequate measures. The BAUfit programme is targeted specifically at the construction industry. The programme was developed by an interdisciplinary team with the aim of reducing the number of accidents, workload and wear and tear of the musculoskeletal system and improving cooperation. The programme includes occupational, psychological and ergonomic advice and support, as well as measurements and evaluation of workload. Tackling MSDs also features in the Austrian Labour Inspectorate’s activities, including a targeted inspection campaign In HORECA sector and modules on ergonomics and manual handling integrated in the gender and diversity campaign. In 2009-10 the scheme had a specific focus on MSDs prevention. In addition to AUVAsicher, AUVA provides support to companies through AUVAfit and BAUfit schemes. The AUVAfit programme has a specific focus on mental and physical workload while the BAUfit is targeted at the construction industry.

First Author: Graveling R

Other Authors: Giaglaglou E

Publisher: Bilbao: European Agency for Safety and Health.

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